Master the Skills to Raise Your Beehive or Build a Beekeeping Business in Your Backyard

In the Level One Beekeeping Online Workshop, Forbes Magazine featured beekeeper Eliese Watson pulls back the curtain of her small honey beekeeping operation to show you step by step how to raise and manage honey bees to produce honey in your backyard. In the workshop, covering an entire beekeeping season, Eliese shares key strategies, systems, and time-tested techniques used to build ABC Bees thriving, profitable beekeeping business with less than 50 colonies.

Be the first to know about our Level One Beekeeping Course

Join bee lovers from across North America who have created productive backyard beehives, launched successful beekeeping businesses, and discovered the joy of producing and sharing their own honey and wax products through the ABC Bees Level One Online Certificate. This comprehensive workshop includes 50+ instructional videos, weekly Q&A sessions with Eliese, and support from fellow beekeepers across Canada via the ABC Bees Learning Community, and so much more. Enrollment in the ABC Bees Level One Online Certificate  is offered just 5 times per year.


Keep a beehive in your backyard to share with your family, friends, and community


Build a beekeeping business from a hobby that you love


Bring more joy and beauty into your life through honey bees

“When I enrolled in ABC Bees Level One Beekeeping course, I wanted to learn enough to feel more confident and be more capable looking after my bees. The course was great but what I value even more is the ongoing mentoring and support that Eliese willingly provided. She has an incredible understanding of everything “bees” and remarkable patience for people who are new beekeepers. Eliese and the community of beekeepers that she introduced me to have made my beekeeping easier, more successful and a whole lot of fun.” 

-Judi Parrot

Who is the Workshop for?

The ABC Bees Level One Beekeeping Certificate Is Geared Towards:


Beginning and intermediate beekeepers and apiarists wanting to raise bees on a small scale, but in a bigger way AND established beekeepers wanting to improve efficiency, elevate production, or expand into new markets. 


Those wanting to build a seasonal business, side gig, or new career centered on honey production. 


Anyone looking to bring more joy and beauty into their life through bees. 

The ABC Bees Level One Beekeeping Certificate Is NOT For:

Large-scale producers or intensive agricultural operations hoping to learn conventional and commercial mechanized systems. 

Beekeepers seeking in-depth commercial beekeeping lessons or the science behind pollination production. 

Anyone looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. Building and running an apiary takes a lot of hard work and dedication. If you’re not a motivated person and are uncomfortable with challenging situations, this may not be the course for you. 

Benefits Beyond the Bees


Break through self doubt by building your skills and using ABC Bees time-tested techniques to raise a healthy beehive


Outline your vision, identify your strengths, and create actionable goals for your beehive, apiary, or business.


Master the specific skills needed to produce an abundance of honey n a small space, no matter where you live.


Get guidance, encouragement, and support, plus answers to your questions from Eliese.


Create connections, build relationships, and make lifelong friends with fellow beekeepers through our learning community.